File Web Demo

Test out Private AI’s document redaction capabilities by uploading a file below.

Supported File Types

Please note that some supported file types are disabled for the File Web Demo. Structured data files (XML/CSV/JSON/XLS/XLSX/DCM) and audio files (MP3/MP4/WAV) are currently disabled.

To test Private AI's capabilities on structured data files, you can get an API Key from our customer portal; for audio files, please request a demo from our team.

For the File Web Demo, files must be less than 5MB. Processing may take up to 1-2 minutes depending on the file size. To test Private AI's capabilities with larger file sizes, please contact our team.

All 50+ entity types Private AI supports will be redacted by default, but you may customize your results by selecting/de-selecting your preferred entities from the “Select supported entity types” drop down.

Try it yourself on your own data or get started within your own environment by getting an API Key.

Sign up for our customer portal to get a free API key

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