Supported Entity Types

Private AI supports over 50 unique entity types, including their counterparts in each of our Core Support languages as detailed on our Supported Languages page. The complete inventory of supported entity types is listed in the charts below, divided into four groups: PII (Personally Identifiable Information), Health Information, PCI (Payment Card Industry), and Beta Entity Types (see that section for information on how to enable Beta classes). In addition to our standard entities, Private AI's Scale plan offers custom entity types. For details, see Pricing.

Note that some entities, such as NAME and LOCATION, also have subtypes. For instance, LOCATION_CITY is a subtype of LOCATION. This means that, in a phrase such as I live in Boston, the location name Boston will be detected as both LOCATION and LOCATION_CITY, with the more specific label (in this case, LOCATION_CITY) appearing in the output. Other entity types are groupings of related categories. For example, HEALTHCARE_NUMBER captures health plan beneficiary numbers and medical record numbers, both of which are outlined as identifiers in the HIPAA Safe Harbor provision. Similarly, NUMERICAL_PII covers a broad range of entity types such as MAC addresses and cookie IDs.

While our entity types have English names, international variants are also redacted. For example, SSN covers American Social Security Numbers, as well as many equivalent identification numbers used in different regions worldwide, such as the Canadian Social Insurance Number or the German Sozialversicherungsnummer. Where applicable, this information can be viewed under More Details, including the names of entities supported in various languages and locales.

Supported Formats for Numerical Entities

While many of the entity types de-identified by Private AI are universal (e.g., EMAIL_ADDRESS, CREDIT_CARD), there are also some country-specific entity types, which vary regionally in terms of format, name, and/or function. For example, Canadian SIN is the regional equivalent of American SSN (both captured as SSN by Private AI). Some entity types are also truly unique and do not have equivalents in North America (e.g., Indian Aadhaar number). Private AI accounts for these cases -- please refer to the list by country below for details on what is supported and the corresponding Private AI classification.

Supported Regulations

Private AI offers coverage of the following regulations:

In addition, our entity categorizations are sensitive to unlisted data protection regulations. For example, when using our de-identification tool, you can select between a set of entities defined by the GDPR as personal data and a set of entities defined by the GDPR as sensitive data. Sensitive data is a more restricted subset of personal data that cannot be processed without a documented, lawful reason, according to Article 9 of the GDPR. In general, we recommend using the broader category GDPR. The relevant regulations for each entity type can be found in the charts below.

You can learn more about the supported regulations and how to configure the de-identification service to meet your own needs in our Customizing Detection Guide.

Other Entity Groupings

In addition to the regulation entity groupings described above, you can select groupings for entity types related to health information (HEALTH_INFORMATION), payment card industry information (PCI), and corporate confidential information (CCI). For more information on CCI, see this page.


Personally Identifiable Information

Label Description Policy & Regulatory Compliance Added In
ACCOUNT_NUMBER Customer account or membership identification number
Policy No. 10042992; Member ID: HZ-5235-001

Note: Full support for English; Multilingual support in progress
AGE Numbers associated with an individual’s age
27 years old; 18 months old
More details
When given in years, only the number is flagged, but both number and time unit are flagged when given in other units like months or weeks
Also includes age ranges:
29-35 years old; 18+; A man in his forties
GDPR, HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI 1.2.0
DATE Specific calendar dates, which can include days of the week, dates, months, or years
Friday, Dec. 18, 2002; Dated: 02/03/97

More details
If no calendar date is specified, days of the week are not flagged:
Your appointment is on Monday
Indexical terms are not flagged:
yesterday; tomorrow
HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, CCI 1.0.0
DATE_INTERVAL Broader time periods, including date ranges, months, seasons, years, and decades
2020-2021; 5-9 May; January 1984

See also: DATE, DOB

DOB Dates of birth
Born: March 7, 1961


CPRA, GDPR, HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI 1.4.0
DRIVER_LICENSE Driver's permit numbers
DL# 134711-320

See also: VEHICLE_ID
More detailsIncludes International Driving Permits (IDP) and Pilot’s licenses
CPRA, GDPR, HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI 2.8.0
DURATION Periods of time, specified as a number and a unit of time
8 months; 2 years

Note: Full support for English; Multilingual support in progress
EMAIL_ADDRESS Email addresses

CPRA, GDPR, HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI, CCI 1.0.0
EVENT Names of events or holidays
Olympics; Yom Kippur

FILENAME Names of computer files, including the extension or filepath

CCI 2.0.0
GENDER Terms indicating gender identity, including slang terms. Note that performance is stronger for terms that are more likely to occur in formal documents, such as "male", "transgender", "non-binary", "female", "M", "F", etc. Other terms, such as "woman", "gentleman", etc., may not be captured in every context.
female; trans

CPRA, GDPR, GDPR Sensitive, APPI Sensitive 3.9.0
HEALTHCARE_NUMBER Healthcare numbers and health plan beneficiary numbers
Policy No.: 5584-486-674-YM
More detailsIncludes medical record numbers, health insurance policy/account numbers, and member IDs, for example, German Sozialversicherungsnummer (also used as SSN), Philippine PhilHealth ID number, Ukrainian VHI number
CPRA, GDPR, HIPAA, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI 1.0.0
IP_ADDRESS Internet IP address, including IPv4 and IPv6 formats

CPRA, GDPR, HIPAA, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI 1.0.0
LANGUAGE Names of natural languages
Korean; French

GDPR, GDPR Sensitive, APPI Sensitive 1.0.0
LOCATION Metaclass for any named location reference; See subclasses below
Eritrea; Lake Victoria
More details
May co-occur with ORGANIZATION when the context refers explicitly to the organization’s location
The patient was transferred to Northwest General Hospital
LOCATION_ADDRESS Full or partial physical mailing addresses, which can include: building name or number, street, city, county, state, country, zip code
25/300 Adelaide T., Perth WA 6000, Aus.
145 Windsor St.
Mail to: Kollwitzstr 13, 10405, Berlin

CPRA, GDPR, HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI, CCI 2.4.0
LOCATION_ADDRESS_STREET A subclass of LOCATION_ADDRESS, covering: a building number and street name, plus information like a unit numbers, office numbers, floor numbers and building names, where applicable
25/300 Adelaide T., Perth WA 6000, Aus.
145 Windsor St.
Mail to: Kollwitzstr 13, 10405, Berlin

CPRA, GDPR, HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI, CCI 3.7.3
LOCATION_CITY Municipality names, including villages, towns, and cities
Toronto; Berlin; Denpasar

CPRA, GDPR, HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI, CCI 2.4.0
LOCATION_COORDINATE Geographic positions referred to using latitude, longitude, and/or elevation coordinates
We’re at 40.748440 and -73.984559

CPRA, GDPR, HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI 2.10.0
Canada; Namibia

LOCATION_STATE State, province, territory, or prefecture names
Ontario; Arkansas; Ich lebe in NRW

LOCATION_ZIP Zip codes (including Zip+4), postcodes, or postal codes
90210; B2N 3E3
More details
Optimized for various English-speaking locales (Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, United States), as well as international equivalents
CPRA, GDPR, HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI, CCI 2.4.0
MARITAL_STATUS Terms indicating marital status
single; common-law; ex-wife; married

APPI Sensitive 2.10.0
MONEY Names and/or amounts of currency
15 pesos; $94.50

CCI 1.0.0
NAME Names of individuals, not including personal titles such as ‘Mrs.’ or ‘Mr.’
Dwayne Johnson; Mr. Khanna

CPRA, GDPR, HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI 1.0.0
NAME_FAMILY Names indicating a person’s family or community; often a last name in Western cultures and first name in Eastern cultures
François Truffaut; Ozu Yasujirō

CPRA, GDPR, HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI 2.13.0
NAME_GIVEN Names given to an individual, usually at birth; often first / middle names in Western cultures and middle / last names in Eastern cultures
François Truffaut; Ozu Yasujirō

CPRA, GDPR, HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI 2.13.0
NAME_MEDICAL_ PROFESSIONAL Full names, including professional titles and certifications, of medical professional, such as doctors and nurses
Attending physician: Dr. Kay Martinez, MD

CPRA, GDPR, HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI 3.3.3
NUMERICAL_PII Numerical PII (including alphanumeric strings) that doesn't fall under other categories.
More details
Includes the following: numbers in the medical field, such as device serial numbers, POS codes, NPI numbers, etc.; computer numbers like MAC addresses, cookie IDs, VPNs, error codes, access codes, message IDs, etc.; numbers related to purchasing, like order IDs, transaction numbers, confirmation numbers, tracking numbers, etc.; also numbers assigned to various forms of IDs, files, documents, proceedings, invoices, claim IDs, record IDs, etc.
CPRA, GDPR, HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI, CCI 1.0.0
OCCUPATION Job titles or professions
professor; actors; engineer; CPA

Quebec Privacy Act, APPI, CCI 1.0.0
ORGANIZATION Names of organizations or departments within an organization
BHP; McDonald's; LAPD
More details
May co-occur with LOCATION when the context refers explicitly to the organization’s location
Donations can be brought to Royal Canadian Legion Branch 43
Quebec Privacy Act, APPI, CCI 1.0.0
ORGANIZATION_MEDICAL_ FACILITY Names of medical facilities, such as hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, etc.
Northwest General Hospital; Union Family Health Clinic
Quebec Privacy Act, APPI 3.3.3
ORIGIN Terms indicating nationality, ethnicity, or provenance
Canadian; Sri Lankan

CPRA, GDPR, GDPR Sensitive, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI Sensitive 2.0.0
PASSPORT_NUMBER Passport numbers, issued by any country
PA4568332; NU3C6L86S12

CPRA, GDPR, HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI 2.9.0
PASSWORD Account passwords, PINs, access keys, or verification answers
27%alfalfa; temp1234
My mother's maiden name is Smith

PHONE_NUMBER Telephone or fax numbers

CPRA, GDPR, HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI 1.0.0
PHYSICAL_ATTRIBUTE Distinctive bodily attributes, including terms indicating race
I'm 190cm tall; He belongs to the Black students’ association

CPRA, GDPR, GDPR Sensitive, APPI Sensitive 2.0.0
POLITICAL_AFFILIATION Terms referring to a political party, movement, or ideology
liberal; Republican

CPRA, GDPR, GDPR Sensitive, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI Sensitive 2.9.0
RELIGION Terms indicating religious affiliation
Hindu; Presbyterian

CPRA, GDPR, GDPR Sensitive, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI Sensitive 1.3.0
SEXUALITY Terms indicating sexual orientation, including slang terms
bisexual; gay; straight

CPRA, GDPR, GDPR Sensitive, APPI Sensitive 3.9.0
SSN Social Security Numbers or international equivalent government identification numbers
078-05-1120; ***-***-3256
More details
Includes, for example, Australian TFN, Belgian NISS, British NIN, Canadian SIN, Dutch BSN, German Sozialversicherungsnummer (also used as a healthcare number, see: HEALTHCARE_NUMBER), French INSEE, Indian Aadhaar, Italian TIN, Philippine SSS, Spanish NUSS, Ukrainian TIN, and Mexican NSS formats. Flags mentions of complete numbers as well as the last four digits only.
CPRA, GDPR, HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI 1.0.0
TIME Expressions indicating clock times
19:37:28; 10pm EST

CCI 1.0.0
URL Internet addresses

CPRA, GDPR, HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, CCI 1.0.0
USERNAME Usernames, login names, or handles
privateairocks; @_PrivateAI

VEHICLE_ID Vehicle identification numbers (VINs), vehicle serial numbers, and license plate numbers
5FNRL38918B111818; BIF7547


ZODIAC_SIGN Names of Zodiac signs
Aries; Taurus


Health Information

Label Description Policy & Regulatory Compliance Added In
BLOOD_TYPE Blood types
She's type AB positive

CPRA, GDPR, Quebec Privacy Act 2.0.0
CONDITION Names of medical conditions, diseases, syndromes, deficits, disorders
chronic fatigue syndrome; arrhythmia; depression

CPRA, GDPR, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI Sensitive 2.0.0
DOSE Medically prescribed quantity of a medication
limit intake to 700 mg/day

DRUG Medications, vitamins, and supplements
advil; Acetaminophen; Panadol

CPRA, GDPR, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI Sensitive, CCI 2.0.0
INJURY Bodily injuries, including mutations, miscarriages, and dislocations
I broke my arm; I have a sprained wrist

CPRA, GDPR, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI Sensitive 2.0.0
MEDICAL_PROCESS Medical processes, including treatments, procedures, and tests
heart surgery; CT scan

CPRA, GDPR, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI Sensitive, CCI 2.0.0
STATISTICS Medical statistics
18% of patients

Quebec Privacy Act 2.0.0


Payment Card Industry

Label Description Policy & Regulatory Compliance Added In
BANK_ACCOUNT Bank account numbers and international equivalents, such as IBAN
Acct. No.: 012345-67

CPRA, GDPR, HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI, CCI 2.3.0
CREDIT_CARD Credit card numbers
0123 0123 0123 0123
**** **** ****4252
More details
Includes debit, ATM, Direct Debit, PrePay, Charge Cards, and support for cards that do not have 16 digits such as American Express or China UnionPay cards. Flags mentions of complete numbers as well as the last four digits only.
CPRA, GDPR, HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI, CCI 1.0.0
CREDIT_CARD_ EXPIRATION Expiration date of a credit card
Expires: July 2023; Exp: 02/28

CPRA, GDPR, HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI 1.4.0
CVV 3- or 4-digit card verification codes and equivalents
CVV: 080
More details
Includes institution-specific variants:

American Express: CID (card ID), CVD (card verification data) CSC / 3CSC (card security code)
China UnionPay: CVN (card validation number)
CIBC Mastercard: SPC (signature panel code)
Discover: CID (card ID), CVD (card verification data)
ELO (Brazil): CVE (Elo verification code)
JCB (Japan Credit Bureau): CAV (card authentication value)
Mastercard: CVC (card validation code)
VISA: CVV (card verification value)
CPRA, GDPR, HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI, CCI 1.4.0
ROUTING_NUMBER Routing number associated with a bank or financial institution
More details
Includes international equivalents: Canadian & British sort codes, Australian BSB numbers, Indian Financial System Codes, Branch/transit numbers, Institution numbers, and Swift codes
CCI 2.3.0

Beta Entity Types

Note that Beta support for the following entity types is currently only available with our English models.

Label Description Policy & Regulatory Compliance Added In
CORPORATE_ACTION Any action a company takes that could affect its stock value or its shareholders
Bridge Investment Group LLC (later renamed Bridge Investment Group Holdings LLC); We’ve merged two neighboring retail locations
CCI 3.5.0
DAY Sub-part of a date representing the day
27/01/1992; 18 May, 2001
HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, CCI 4.0.2
EFFECT Words or phrases describing a medical symptom, effect, or side-effect
Short-term effects of may include nausea and vomiting; The anesthesia will numb the abdomen before removal of the cyst
FINANCIAL_METRIC Terms referring to financial metrics or financial ratios: quantitative indicators of a company’s financial health. Note that this label applies to the name of the metric rather than the value.
adjusted earnings per share declined year-over-year; Online sales slow as UK shoppers rein in Christmas spending
CCI 3.5.0
MEDICAL_CODE Codes belonging to medical classification systems such as SNOMED, ICD-10, NDC, etc.
1981-03-11T04:11:32-03:00 Forearm sprain SNOMED-CT 70704007;
<medcode type="string"> R74.8 <desc type="string">Abnormal levels of other serum enzymes
CPRA, GDPR, GDPR Sensitive, Quebec Privacy Act, APPI Sensitive 3.7.0
MONTH Sub-part of a date representing the month
27/01/1992; 18 May , 2001
HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, CCI 4.0.2
ORGANIZATION_ID Unique numerical or alphanumerical codes assigned to corporations and organizations, (e.g., VAT numbers, ICO numbers, DUNS numbers, stock ticker symbols) Quebec Privacy Act, APPI, CCI 4.0.1
PRODUCT Names or model numbers of items made by an organization; includes intangible products like software and games, as well as other services
iPhone; Toyota Camry
CCI 3.5.0
PROJECT Names or alphanumerical codes of corporate projects
ENA Fileplan Project; DV-marketsurvey-2024
CCI 4.0.1
TREND A description of the “quality” or the direction in which a financial measurement is going
reflecting the accelerating shift of off-line to online; amid rising costs and shrinking profits
CCI 3.5.0
YEAR Sub-part of a date representing the year
27/01/1992; 18 May, 2001
HIPAA_SAFE_HARBOR, Quebec Privacy Act, CCI 4.0.2

Each of the beta entities must be enabled explicitly in the deid request. This can be done using the entity_detection.entity_types field. For example, the following request will redact only TREND, FINANCIAL_METRIC and CORPORATE_ACTION from the provided text:

   "text": [
      "In the last quarter, our revenues grew faster which led us to acquire one of our smaller competitors"
   "link_batch": true,
   "processed_text": {
      "type": "MARKER",
      "pattern": "[BEST_ENTITY_TYPE]"
   "entity_detection": {
      "entity_types": [
        { "type": "ENABLE", "value": ["TREND", "FINANCIAL_METRIC", "CORPORATE_ACTION"]}

resulting in this output:

    "processed_text": "In the last quarter, our [FINANCIAL_METRIC] [TREND] which led us to [CORPORATE_ACTION]",
    "entities": [
        "processed_text": "FINANCIAL_METRIC",
        "text": "revenues",
        "location": {
          "stt_idx": 25,
          "end_idx": 33,
          "stt_idx_processed": 25,
          "end_idx_processed": 43
        "best_label": "FINANCIAL_METRIC",
        "labels": {
          "FINANCIAL_METRIC": 0.9445
        "processed_text": "TREND",
        "text": "grew faster",
        "location": {
          "stt_idx": 34,
          "end_idx": 45,
          "stt_idx_processed": 44,
          "end_idx_processed": 51
        "best_label": "TREND",
        "labels": {
          "TREND": 0.8404
        "processed_text": "CORPORATE_ACTION",
        "text": "acquire one of our smaller competitor",
        "location": {
          "stt_idx": 62,
          "end_idx": 99,
          "stt_idx_processed": 68,
          "end_idx_processed": 86
        "best_label": "CORPORATE_ACTION",
        "labels": {
          "CORPORATE_ACTION": 0.9806
    "entities_present": true,
    "characters_processed": 99,
    "languages_detected": {
      "en": 0.9696551561355591

International Entity Mapping

In the tables below, you can find localized variants of our entity types. For each entity type, there is a description, an example, and the Private AI label under which the entity falls. This section does not include entity types that may vary regionally, but still directly correspond to one of the entities listed above (e.g., PHONE_NUMBER, PASSPORT_NUMBER, DRIVER_LICENSE, LOCATION_ADDRESS, CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION). The following numbers are commonly used across many countries, hence are not included in each country's table: GST (Goods and Services Tax), HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). These numbers are redacted as NUMERICAL_PII.

Asia Pacific


Identifier PAI Label Description Example
Australian business number (ABN) ORGANIZATION_ID A unique 11-digit identifier that every registered business in Australia is required to have 12345678901
Australian Company Number (ACN) ORGANIZATION_ID A 9-digit number that must be displayed on all company documents 123 456 789
Bank-State-Branch (BSB) ROUTING_NUMBER A 6-digit number that identifies banks and branches across Australia 123-456
Tax File Number (TFN) SSN A 9-digit personal reference number used for tax and superannuation 456 789 123


Identifier PAI Label Description Example
的医保卡号 HEALTHCARE_NUMBER Healthcare number Format varies by provider
纳税人识别号码 SSN Taxpayer identification number consisting of 18 digits for individuals 463728374657483746


Identifier PAI Label Description Example
Aadhaar SSN A 12-digit individual identification number used as a proof of identity and address 1234 5678 9123
Financial System Code ROUTING_NUMBER A unique 11-digit alphanumeric code that is used for online fund transfer transactions IDIB000T131
Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) NUMERICAL_PII A unique 15-digit identification number assigned to every taxpayer in India 56HNJCA5424K1DM
Permanent Account Number (PAN) SSN A unique 10-digit tax identification number issued by the Income Tax Department ABCJF54312D


Identifier PAI Label Description Example
健康保険番号 HEALTHCARE_NUMBER Health insurance number Format varies by provider
マイナンバー (個人番号) SSN My Number (also known as "personal number"), a unique 12-digit number assigned to every resident of Japan, whether Japanese or foreign 123456789888


Identifier PAI Label Description Example
건강보험증번호 HEALTHCARE_NUMBER Health insurance card number Format varies by provider
주민등록번호 SSN Resident Registration Number used for tax purposes, consists of 13 digits 1236547898745

New Zealand

Identifier PAI Label Description Example
Inland Revenue Department number (IRD) SSN A nine-digit individual identification number issued to each person by the New Zealand Inland Revenue Department, also known as a ‘tax file number’ 099-999-999


Identifier PAI Label Description Example
PhilHealth ID number HEALTHCARE_NUMBER 12-digit healthcare identification number 11-455678912-3
Social Security System number (SSS) SSN 10-digit number used for tax purposes 12-3456789-1
Tax Identification Number (TIN) SSN 12-digit number identifying a taxpayer 123 456 789 002


Identifier PAI Label Description Example
Value-Added Tax (VAT) ORGANIZATION_ID A tax applied to all goods and services that are bought and sold for use or consumption in the European Union, formatted as 2 letters (country code) followed by 8-10 digits. Localized names include French "numéro TVA" DK99999999
International Bank Account Number (IBAN) BANK_ACCOUNT An international system of identifying bank accounts across national borders, consists of up to 34 alphanumeric characters including country codes IE12BOFI90000112345678


Identifier PAI Label Description Example
Identificatienummer van de Sociale Zekerheid (INSZ) / Numéro d'identification à la sécurité sociale (NISS) SSN National identification number for social security, an 11-digit national registration number, the first 6 digits indicating date of birth 99013187654
Ondernemingsnummer ORGANIZATION_ID A unique 10-digit identification number for a business 1987654323
Belasting Toegevoegde Waarde Nummer (BTW Nummer) ORGANIZATION_ID An identification number for businesses used for VAT (Value Added Tax) purposes, formated as 2 letters followed by 10 digits BE0784732737


Identifier PAI Label Description Example
Bankkontonummer BANK_ACCOUNT Bank account number, 10 digits 0532013000
Krankenversicherungs nummer (KVNR) HEALTHCARE_NUMBER An alphanumeric code used for personal identification in Germany's national health insurance system (Krankenversicherung) A123456789
Sozialversicherungs nummer SSN, HEALTHCARE_NUMBER A 12-digit number used to track a person's social security contributions, doubles as a healthcare number 12 123456 A 123
Steuer-Identnummer (St-Nr) SSN A unique 11-digit number assigned to every taxpayer in Germany by the Federal Central Tax Office 12345678909


Identifier PAI Label Description Example
Numéro d'Inscription au Répertoire (NIR) SSN A 15-digit ID number commonly known as a numéro de sécurité sociale, also referred to as an Insee number, used for employment and French health benefits 1790223354367-97
Simplification des procedures d’Imposition (SPI) SSN French numéro de fiscal or a numéro SPI, a unique 13-digit tax number issued by the French tax authorities to all residents and non-residents with an obligation to pay tax 12 34 567 891 234
Système d'identification du répertoire des entreprises (SIREN) ORGANIZATION_ID A 9-digit identifier assigned to every registered business in France by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) 732 829 320


Identifier PAI Label Description Example
Numero di identificazione fiscale or codice fiscale SSN Tax Identification Number (TIN), a 9-12 digit numeric code 000–123–456–789


Identifier PAI Label Description Example
Burgerservicenummer (BSN) SSN A 9-digit citizen service number 123456789


Identifier PAI Label Description Example
Número de Identificação da Segurança Social (NISS) SSN An 11-digit number used to identify individuals in the Portuguese social security system 12354687985


Identifier PAI Label Description Example
Идентификационный номер налогоплательщика (ИНН) SSN Taxpayer Personal Identification Number, 10-12 digits, used as a social security number 12 34567891 23


Identifier PAI Label Description Example
Número de la Seguridad Social (NUSS) SSN 11-12 digit social security number 12 34567891 23
Número de Identificación Fiscal (NIF) SSN A 10-character number that is used to interact with the Spanish tax agency X12345678A


Identifier PAI Label Description Example
Ідентифікаційний номер платника податків (ІНПП) SSN A 10-digit Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 1234567891

United Kingdom

Identifier PAI Label Description Example
Company House Number ORGANIZATION_ID Unique company number which verifies that a company is registered with Companies House, formatted as 8 numbers or 2 letters followed by 6 numbers SC999999
Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) ORGANIZATION_ID ICO registration number for organizations who are data controllers Z3179802
National Insurance Number (NIN) SSN Used in the UK's social security system and tax system, formatted as 2 prefix letters, 6 digits, and 1 suffix letter QQ123456C
Sort code ROUTING_NUMBER Identifies both the bank (in the first digit or first two digits) and the branch where the account is held, usually formatted as 3 pairs of numbers 12-34-56
U.K. Unique Taxpayer Reference Number (UTR) SSN A 10-digit number, also called "tax reference," used in the U.K. when submitting a tax return 12345 67890

North and South America


Identifier PAI Label Description Example
Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF number) SSN Natural Persons Register, an 11-digit number in the format: 000.000.000-00 657.454.244-54


Identifier PAI Label Description Example
GST/HST account number ACCOUNT_NUMBER Unique business identifier used for tax purposes, formatted as 9 digits followed by a program identifier and reference number 123456789RT0001
Healthcare number HEALTHCARE_NUMBER Canadian Health Service Numbers, such as such as Care card number, OHIP, etc., required for access to healthcare benefits Format varies by province
Numéro d'assurance sociale (NAS) SSN A 9-digit number that citizens and permanent residents need to work and be paid in Québec; French equivalent of SIN (see below) 365 789 654
Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ) HEALTHCARE_NUMBER The Québec Health Insurance Number BOUF 9401 1419
Social Insurance Number (SIN) SSN A 9-digit number that citizens and permanent residents need to work and be paid in Canada 321 654 987
Sort code ROUTING_NUMBER A unique 9-digit code that identifies the financial institution (4 digits) and branch of account (5-digit Transit Code) 123456789


Identifier PAI Label Description Example
Número de Seguridad Social (NSS) SSN Social Security Number, an 11-digit code 12345678912

United States

Identifier PAI Label Description Example
Healthcare number HEALTHCARE_NUMBER A unique number assigned by a health insurance provider (includes private and government) Format varies by provider
Social Security Number (SSN) SSN A 9-digit number issued to U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and (working) temporary residents 453-65-4543
U.S. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) SSN A 9-digit tax processing number that begins with "9" issued for some categories of population instead of SSN 923-45-6789
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